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Christmas Traditions in the Ancient World

Written by Titus, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom Christmas is generally considered a Christian celebration, so it may surprise you that many of its traditions have roots in ancient civilizations. Christmas carols Perhaps the most similar thing to Christmas in the ancient world was the celebration of the birth of Dionysus, which took place on the

Christmas: Its Origins in Ancient Greece and Rome

By Edward Whelan, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom The modern world owes so much to the Greeks and the Romans, they influenced how we live and our society in so many ways. For instance, now we think that Christmas is a very Christian festival, celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, but in fact, the holiday was

Why Do We Celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December?

By April Holloway, Contributing Writer, Ancient Origins Why is Christmas celebrated on December 25th? The popular answer is that it is Jesus’ birthday. However, it is necessary to reconsider that belief, No records exist in the Bible, or elsewhere, suggesting Jesus was born on that date. If it was not the birth of Christ which

Saturnalia: The Party don’t Stop

by Anya Leonard Catullus (XIV) describes it as “the best of days.” Seneca complains that the “whole mob has let itself go in pleasures” (Epistles, XVIII.3). Pliny the Younger writes that he retired to his room while the rest of the household celebrated (Epistles, II.17.24). It was a time when people rejoiced, visited friends, gave