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Fate and Free Will – The Stoic Perspective

by Mariami Shanshashvili         It is no secret that ancient teachings of Stoicism have seen a massive revival in modern times. From academia to the general public, people have been closely rethinking Stoic philosophy.  One of the primary reasons behind this surging popularity of Stoicism, I would say, is the appeal of exercising a complete control

Homer the Poet and Fate – Part Two

by A.P. David – You can Read Homer the Poet and Fate – Part One by A.P. David HERE: https://classicalwisdom.com/homer-the-poet-and-fate-part-one/ The problem with a budget is that it cannot be changed mid-stream. In the period prior to its passage, a budget is a field of endless conflict and negotiation. Anything is possible at that point. But