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Tag Archives: Greece

The Myth of Daedalus and Icarus

The story of Daedalus and Icarus is a popular myth that recounts the escape from Crete by the crafty inventor Daedalus and his son Icarus. It is a story that is often attributed to the Roman poet Ovid in his magnum opus Metamorphoses. The general theme of the story involves the ingenuity and brilliance of man, and the misuse of

Greece or Rome: Which was more Influential?

Anyone who knows me, knows I like to stir the proverbial pot. (While anyone who watched this weekend’s webinar knows I completely forgot about the actual pot…on the stove). It’s for this very reason I so enjoy our Monday (sometimes Tuesday) mailbags. I love to grow a good debate, birth a lively discussion, or stoke

Hunting Dogs in the Ancient World

Written by Robert Gate, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom For millennia, dogs and people have shared a close partnership. No one is still ready to claim when and where the first dog was domesticated, but it is generally accepted that it was for hunting. Thousands of years ago, men did not have big guns to aid

Battle of Actium (31 BC)

By Edward Whelan, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom The battle of Actium was one of the most important naval battles in all of history. The victory resulted in the fall of Mark Anthony and Cleopatra and the elevation of Augustus to the position of absolute ruler of the Roman Empire. Indeed, this battle determined the direction

Political Scandals Of Ancient Greece

1. Artemisia of Caria destroys one of her own ships Artemisia, portrayed a tad bit incorrectly by Eva Green in the recent 300 film, was a queen and military commander from the Ionian Kingdom of Caria. An ally to the massive Persian Empire of the early 5th century, Artemisia was a trusted advisor to King

The Myth of Daedalus and Icarus

The story of Daedalus and Icarus is a popular myth that recounts the escape from Crete by the crafty inventor Daedalus and his son Icarus. It is a story that is often attributed to the Roman poet Ovid in his magnum opus Metamorphoses. The general theme of the story involves the ingenuity and brilliance of man, and the misuse of