From one of the most celebrated classical playwrights comes the quintessential Greek tragedy. King Agamemnon has been away from his kingdom for more than a decade, fighting in the Trojan War. Upon his homecoming, he is met by his wife, Clytemnestra. Little does the king know that his wife has concocted a plan that will end with his death.
While Aeschylus’ Agamemnon can be read by any reader, regardless of prerequisite knowledge, it will interest our more seasoned subscribers to learn how Agamemnon’s death was, in fact, one of many deaths in a cycle of familial murder. Agamemnon is just one more man to fall victim to the supposed cursed house of Atreus.
To learn more about this cursed bloodline, and to read this classical tragedy as well as commentary and analysis from Classical Wisdom Weekly, click on one of the links below.

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Aeschylus’ Agamemnon
Commentary by Nicole Saldarriaga and Ben Potter