Diogenes of Sinope is often considered one of the more eccentric, or at the very least untraditional, of the ancient
Between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers lies a land known as Mesopotamia. It was here that men found suitable terrain,
If your mother taught you say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’, to not sit down until offered a chair, to bend
The year was 480 BC and the Battle of Thermopylae was about to commence. King Leonidas I was dispatched from
Sculpture of Herodotus
Insatiably curious, prone to whimsy, a talented writer, a slave to gossip, an innovator, a barbarian apologist, a cosmopolitan, a
It was a battle so great that many movie makers, writers and graphic novelists have attempted to capture it. Within
Some superhero stories feature perfect wonder men or women, conquering the world and beating the bad guys. Other legends include
Painting of Pericles
Pericles: "I Shall Begin With Our Ancestors" "I shall begin with our ancestors," said Pericles, in his speech for the
Thetis and Achilles
by A.P. David Unlike Socrates, Plato wrote—and wrote and wrote. This was a man who said, on a rare occasion
Homer Singing for the People
by A.P. David - You can Read Homer the Poet and Fate - Part One by A.P. David HERE: https://classicalwisdom.com/homer-the-poet-and-fate-part-one/ The