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Tag Archives: Ancient Greek culture

Ephesia Grammata: Magical Words in the Greek World

Written by Ed Whalen, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom The Classical World is often seen as an age of reason and philosophy. In reality, the vast majority of people were very superstitious and belief in magic was very common. Spells, magical formulas, and incantations were popular and widely used. Some of the best known magical formulas

Technological ‘Miracles’ Of Ancient Greece

Written by Arslan Hassan, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom Ancient Greece was filled with inventors and engineers whose machines, instruments, and appliances used are still in use today. Technology and Entertainment The Greeks made massive contributions in the fields of theater, music, sports, and stage performances. The theater itself is Greece’s most valuable contribution to the

Alexander of Abonoteichus: Charlatan and False Prophet

Written by Ed Whalen, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom We think of Graeco-Roman world as a fairly rational, even secular. However, classical societies were extremely superstitious. In the ancient world, people used religion and magic to help them to cope with what, for them, could be an unpredictable and brutal world. This led to the rise

Gift Giving in the Ancient World

Written by Lydia Serrant, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom All cultures have different rituals and expectations around gift giving. Differences in the nature and complexity of gift giving varies across cultures, but most share common origin in early hunter gatherer societies where gift giving was form of social bonding, a conduit for strong tribal connections, and