Ancient Greek Mythology | Classical Wisdom Weekly - Part 3

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Tag Archives: Ancient Greek Mythology

Artemis: Wonder Woman of the Ancient World

Written by Katherine Smyth Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom There’s more to this goddess than her Amazon-like reputation. Artemis, daughter of Zeus, twin-sister of Apollo, and with a host of temples dedicated to her, was once part of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. More than just the goddess of the hunt, her influence can

Oh Muses, You Sound So Heavenly!

Written by Danielle Alexander, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom When a tree falls in the forest, and nobody is around, does it make a sound? What about a musical instrument in the stars? In the evenings, can you hear the eternal whisper of its strings? When you look up at the midnight sky, hidden amongst several

The Marvelous Avengers: Part Two

By Stella Samaras, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom Read Part One Here Orientalizing – Corinth (c. 720-535 BCE) When the Dorians settled in the Attic Peninsula and the Peloponnese, many of the natives moved into the Aegean and across to Asia Minor. When they returned they brought back Eastern influences. Geometric pottery which incorporated simple human

The Rape of a Goddess

by Mary E. Naples, M.A. Who were Demeter and Persephone and why did their myth resonate so strongly with women of ancient Greece? The story of Demeter, goddess of the harvest, and her daughter Persephone, queen of the underworld, has inspired many. And while there are twenty-two variations of the myth, it is the Homeric

The Top 5 Dragon Slayers from Greek Mythology

By John Mancini The original sword-wielding dragon slayer of legend was not the knightly Orlando saving Angelica, nor was it Sigurd killing Fafnir… And it wasn’t even the Archangel Michael or St. George. It goes much further back than all of those… straight to the Ancient world. In fact, the ancients had a fairly well-documented