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Tag Archives: mythology

The Realm of Poseidon: A Mythical Voyage Around the Aegean

By Peter Marshall, Contributing Writer, Ancient Origins “Poseidonthe great godI begin to sing, he who moves the earthand the desolate sea…You are dark-hairedyou are blessedyou have a kind heart.Help those who sail uponThe seaIn ships.”~Homeric Hymn to Poseidon Gods and Legends Poseidon was the Greek god of the sea, the shaker of the land responsible

How Authentic is Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief?

by Danielle Alexander, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom One of the first fictional universes that inspired my obsession with Greek mythology was the child/young adult series titled Percy Jackson, authored by Rick Riordan. Set in modern North America, the series follows troubled Percy as he is thrown into the turbulent world of Greek gods, heroes, and

Witches of the Ancient World

by Ed Whelan, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom When we think of witches, we think of Hallowe’en and scary movies. What many people don’t realize is that witches have been around for a lot longer than any of those things, stretching all the way back to ancient Greece and Rome… In fact, many ancient cultures have

Ambrosia and Nectar: the Food and Drink of the Gods

by Ed Whelan, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom Many mythologies have stories about divine food. In Greek myth, the mysterious foodstuffs of ambrosia and nectar were the food of the gods; they also played a deeper, more crucial role in the lives of the Olympians. They were much more than simple fodder for divine dinners… Ambrosia

The Differences Between Roman and Greek Tragedy

by Lydia Serrant, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom There is no doubt that the Romans drew a lot from the Greeks. This included their love of theatre. Roman theatre took a while to take hold, but once it did, it was popularised across the Empire and evolved over the centuries. The Romans adopted many of the

Alexander the Great and His Mermaid Sister

Written by Ed Whalen, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom Alexander the Great is one of the most famous people that ever lived. He was a remarkable general and he changed the history of the world. Naturally, such a larger-than-life figure inspired many stories, and these morphed into myths over time. One of the most fascinating is