pre-socratics | Classical Wisdom Weekly

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Tag Archives: pre-socratics

The Arche: Elements of Life in Early Greek Philosophy

by Zoe Grabow It’s one of the earliest concepts in Greek philosophy. The arche was first conceived of over 2,500 years ago. While it is hardly scientific, it is still relevant to how we perceive our existence today. It is an elemental life force from which all things emerge, and essentially early philosophy’s answer to

Xenophanes: The Most Scandalous Philosopher of Ancient Greece

Written by Mariami Shanshashvili, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom Plato’s Euthyphro is centered around Socrates’ attempts to examine and define the concept of piety. In the course of conversation, he develops a central and somewhat scandalous argument: what is holy is not the same as what the gods do or approve. In fact, the gods ‘sin’

Three Pre-Socratics You’ve Likely Never Heard Of

By David Hooker, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom As I read and re-read the philosophers, tragedians, poets, and other commentators of the ancient world, I am constantly amazed. The insights they came up with regarding natural and speculative philosophy, nature (and human nature), and the universe oftentimes drop my jaw! More than anything else, it’s stunning

Love and Strife: Empedocles’ Universe

By David Hooker, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom Who hasn’t looked up into a sky full of stars and wondered what our place is in this vast universe? What is the nature of this environment we find ourselves living in? Are there underlying substances to this “stuff” that makes up our world? For the contemplative among

Protagoras & Relativism

By Jacob Bell, Associate Editor, Classical Wisdom “Man is the measure of all things…” It is likely that you have heard this phrase uttered at one time or the other. It is an explicit declaration of relativism, and one of the earliest accounts of such a theory. It was Protagoras who made this statement. He