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Wine and Roman Poets

By Visnja Bojovic, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom When we think of wine in the ancient world, the first thing that comes to mind is the Romans and their luxurious banquets. We know that wine was an important part of the Roman culture; there were even precise rules for the way and quantity in which it

How the Ancient Romans Used to Eat: Everything You Need to Know

Written by Jason Dunlap, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom Everyone likes to eat out at a nice restaurant. Indeed, modern fancymeals are considered a classic way to enjoy a special night. Have you ever wondered what the people of ancient civilizations used to eat? What was considered lavish and luxury dining in ancient Rome? Well then,

Why Do We Celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December?

By April Holloway, Contributing Writer, Ancient Origins Why is Christmas celebrated on December 25th? The popular answer is that it is Jesus’ birthday. However, it is necessary to reconsider that belief, No records exist in the Bible, or elsewhere, suggesting Jesus was born on that date. If it was not the birth of Christ which