Zeno of Citium | Classical Wisdom Weekly

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Tag Archives: Zeno of Citium

Stoicism and Buddhism: Two Sides of the Same Coin?

by Andrew Rattray If you’re anything like me, I’m sure you’ll have noticed the bookshelves of your local store positively groaning with all manner of self-help books; stylish tomes offering a route to peacefulness and serenity. It’s no surprise that the pressures of our modern life, particularly stressed by the ongoing difficulties of the pandemic,

What Stoicism Isn’t

by William B. Irvine, Professor of Philosophy, Wright State University Stoicism has gotten a bad rap.  People think of the Stoics as emotionless beings—as grim, wooden individuals whose goal in life was to stand mutely and take whatever life could throw at them. This perception, however, is quite mistaken.  When we read about the Stoics

Putting the Greek Back into Stoicism

by William B. Irvine, Professor of Philosophy, Wright State University It was the Greeks who gave us the word “crisis”. It is derived from the Greek krinein, meaning “decide”. Besides giving us our word for crisis, the Greeks also provided us with a splendid strategy for dealing with crises: the philosophy known as Stoicism. Contrary

Twenty Quotes from Stoic Philosophers

by Bryan Maniotakis, Guest Poster, MindOfAStoic.com One of the best ways to get a quick grasp on Stoicism and the principles it follows is through thousands of years of age-old quotations influenced by its teachings. Across the centuries, many important people in history have made note of what has led them to success or failure.

The Journey To Stoicism:

A Guide to a Good Life We write to you today from the Mediterranean, about an hour from the port of Piraeus, en route to the ancient Minoan stomping grounds of Crete.  It’s hard not to feel inspired by the wine-dark seas, the fading tips of the nearby islands and the gentle rocking of Poseidon’s

Hipparchia of Maroneia: Female Philosopher and Provocateur

Written by Ed Whalen, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom Many women have made an important contribution to philosophy, and one of the most famous—or indeed infamous—female philosopher is Hipparchia (fl. 300 B.C.). Married to a leading Cynic philosopher, Hipparchia greatly contributed to the development of Cynicism and helped popularize it in the Classical World.  What Were