Written by Van Bryan, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom “For contemplation is both the highest form of activity (since the intellect
antigone creon
by Andrew Aulner, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom The next of the three great tragedians to be born was Sophocles, who,
What’s in a column? To the Ancient Greeks, the standing pillar was more than just a way to hold up
by Andrew Aulner, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom Warfare had a profound impact on life in the ancient world. Greek theater
hanging gardens
By Jocelyn Hitchcock, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom The mention of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon conjures up images of an
by Ed Whelan, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom He was one of the first generation of mortals, and his offense against
By Van Bryan, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom SPARTA Sparta, also known by its ancient name Lacedaemon in honor of their
By Jacob Bell, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom My recent venture into the world of car sales caused me to realize
By Jacob Bell, Associate Editor, Classical Wisdom One would have thought that in this age of information, logical fallacies would
By Jocelyn Hitchcock, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom The Egyptian city of Alexandria was established in 331 BCE by its Eponymous