Classical Wisdom Litterae - March 2020

Lullabies and nursery rhymes that we sing to our children, just as they were sung to us... The reverberating chorus and emotive chants recited throughout churches, synagogues and religious centers the world over... The feeling of completely letting go through movement to that favorite song blasting out at the club, bar, wedding, or family get together... The sense of emotion rising and falling, twisting and turning throughout the movie, play, opera, concert... Music moves us in so many ways. Its notes and tones have weaved its way through the many facets of our lives, from the small intimate moments and personal experiences to the marking of important events and collective gatherings. So, too, did it constitute an integral feature of the ancient world. An essential part of the fabric that made the ancient Greek’s life, it was ever present at all social happenings, of which there were a lot. And yet, while music was so important in ritual, in mythology, in discussion, in theater, in literature and poetry, it hasn’t survived the passage of time so well. We have only hints, mere artifacts of the grand, diverse realm of ancient music. But what we do know, is absolutely fascinating... So with this month’s Classical Wisdom Magazine, On Music, we take the time to learn about this elusive feature that colored so many moments of the ancients’ lives, just as it does for us today. Anya Leonard Founder and Project Director Classical Wisdom II