Classical Wisdom Litterae - Nov 2019

The Battle of Actium, by Laureys a Castro, 1672 V 4 8 0 B C E Euripides is born on the island of Salamis. His father was Mnesarchus and his mother was Cleito. His family were merchants and relatively affluent. 4 8 0 - 4 6 0 The future dramatist is trained in athletics as an oracle predicted he would be a great victor. In fact, he was to be a victor in Athens’ drama contests. Little is known but Euripides appears to have moved to Athens. He competes in the City Dionysia , the famous Athenian dramatic festival, for the first time. 4 4 1 Euripides wins the City Dionysia for the first time (the winning play is no longer extant). 4 3 8 4 3 1 Alcestis is first performed in Athens. The tragedy Medea is first performed and is not well-received in Athens. Second Peloponnesian War begins. c 4 3 0 The tragedy Heraclidae is first performed in Athens. 4 2 8 Hippolytus is first performed and wins the City Dionysia . c 4 2 5 His play on the losers of the Trojan War, Andromache , is staged. 4 2 3 The tragedy Hecuba is first performed. The Suppliant Women is staged. It is well- received in Athens. Euripides was, at this time, supporting the Athenians in their war against Sparta. c 4 1 7 Hercules is first performed. c 4 1 6 Electra is staged. B I R T H 4 6 0 - 4 5 5 4 5 5