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    I need to increase the amount of work done.I feel tired in the middle of the day.Any tips on how to increase my productivity?



    At work it helps me a lot to have a coffee in the middle of the day, so I feel more awake and get more work done.



    You can easily improve your productivity with some coffee, but trust me, there are way better ways to do that. This article https://viewthevibe.com/why-are-more-people-turning-to-cbd-products/ is right, and many people do turn to CBD products to increase their mood and productivity. You can try it too, and I’m sure it’ll have a beneficial effect on your body.



    Well, there could be many reasons why this could be happening. Poor sleep routine, uneven diet, stress, depression, anxiety, etc. I would suggest you to find the root of the problem. Sleepiness often occurs when you have a poor and uneven eating routine, or when you’re not getting good 8-10 hours of sleep at night. I would also suggest you to consult the problem to professionals. There are many online platforms where you can find career coaches and cover letter writers for hire in UAE that would you help with any and all sorts of problems in your professional life.

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