Home Forums Litterae Forum How to make an animated video?

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  • #131707


    Hello all. I want to improve my business and make an animated 2D commercial. Is it difficult to make an animated video? Thank you in advance.



    Hi. Let me tell you a little bit about myself and my experience. When I opened my first business I thought long and hard about how best to attract new customers. I had sales, but not in the way I imagined. On one of the forums I was told that 2d animated video can significantly improve my sales and turn potential customers into paying customers. Wouldn’t that be great?



    Hey, this is an interesting topic and an interesting answer. There have been a lot of questions like this coming up lately. It’s good when structured information on this topic comes out. When I first started out, I had fewer tools like this in my hands.



    Ok, this is an interesting topic and an interesting answer. There have been a lot of questions like this coming up lately. It’s good when structured information on this topic comes out. When I first started out, I had fewer tools like this in my hands.

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