Home Forums Litterae Forum How to Sue the NHS with the Help of Medical Negligence Solicitors in the UK

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    How to sue the NHS for medical negligence

    What is the NHS?

    How to sue the NHS? The National Health Service (NHS) is a publicly funded healthcare system that provides free at-the-point-of-use care for all UK residents. The NHS was established in 1948 and has evolved over time, but it remains an integral part of British culture and society today.

    How do I sue the NHS for medical negligence?

    If you’ve been injured as a result of medical negligence while being treated by an NHS doctor or hospital, then it’s likely that you can sue them for compensation. This will involve taking legal action against both your GP surgery or hospital trust, who are responsible for ensuring that their staff provide safe levels of care to patients; plus any individual members of staff found guilty of causing harm through poor practice or misconduct.*

    What process should I follow when suing an NHS provider?
    Who can I get to help me with my medical negligence claim?

    If you have been injured by medical negligence, it is advisable to seek legal advice. You can get a solicitor to help you with your claim or even a medical negligence lawyer. This will ensure that the process goes smoothly and efficiently.

    You should also know that solicitors are trained in dealing with these kinds of cases and know how best to present them in court so as not only win but also get compensation for their clients who were injured due to negligence on behalf of hospitals or other healthcare professionals such as doctors, nurses etcetera

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