Home Forums Litterae Forum What if I want to evolve my business, but I don’t have a ready-made idea

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    I understand that I am standing still. My income could be higher and my business could become more successful, but I have no idea how to start evolving.



    Don’t worry, this is a normal situation, because we can understand that it is time to act, but ideas are quite difficult.



    It’s good that you understand the need to evolve your business, so I’m sure you will find a way out of the situation. In general, have you considered development companies? I recommend https://fortegrp.com/enterprise-software-engineering/ because you can refer to them and you will think about ideas together. This is a normal situation, so don’t worry.



    You know, things happen in the process of running a business and sometimes things don’t go as smoothly as you want. I’m having big problems now too, and I think I’m going to have to switch to remote work, which I don’t want to do. But we can’t afford to rent an office.



    This is probably the right decision, which now seems like a step backwards, but in reality will be a big push forwards, so don’t despair. I work remotely too, and as an employee it’s very convenient for me, and on top of that I notice that I’ve become more productive as I can work somewhere in a coffee shop, sometimes at home, and sometimes it’s workplace https://unspot.com/workplaces/ which is easy to book with Unspot. By the way, this system works great for one employee or a whole team at once.

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