The Odyssey by Homer
Relive the harrowing journey of crafty Odysseus as he undertakes the ten-year journey from Troy to his home on Ithaca. Along the way he will come face to face with monsters, witches, and a literal trip to hell.
While The Iliad is considered the first great masterpiece of the Western world, The Odyssey is sometimes remembered as the first great masterpiece of the Western world that you will actually want to read!
Find out why The Odyssey has become such a cherished and beloved epic and enter into a world of legend and heroism.
Enjoy selected chapters from this great epic along with introductions and analysis from Classical Wisdom Weekly. Read along and then discuss the text amongst your fellow society members at our forum.

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Selections from The Odyssey, by Homer
Translated by Samuel Butler
Commentary by Ben Potter
Compiled by Ben Potter