Danielle Alexander | Classical Wisdom Weekly - Part 2

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About: Danielle Alexander

Danielle has recently completed her Ancient Civilisations degree, with her research focusing on prehistoric Anatolia and cultural transmission of mythic themes. Now, she is undertaking a Masters degree in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology. She has had a love for the ancient, and prehistorical world, specifically mythology, from a very young age. Her determination to continue her education, diving into the intricacy of mythology, is peaked by the goal for teaching myth and its web of interdisciplinary connections to bring humanity and accessibility into academia. Watch this space.

Recent Posts by Danielle Alexander

A Tale of Zeus as a Goose

Written by Danielle Alexander, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom The night sky inspires awe in most who gaze upon it. Our modern perspectives give us a dim shadow of the spectacular sprinkle of stars that litter the midnight sky, a logical lens limiting the imagination. Sometimes, people will cloud gaze and point out images they see

The Herdsman of the Stars

By Danielle Alexander, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom Even to the modern mind, the starry abyss above us encourages a sense of awe and wonder. In the ancient times, they linked their mythos to the heavens and told tales of how the star clusters, or constellations, came to be. One of these constellations of the Northern

Oh Muses, You Sound So Heavenly!

Written by Danielle Alexander, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom When a tree falls in the forest, and nobody is around, does it make a sound? What about a musical instrument in the stars? In the evenings, can you hear the eternal whisper of its strings? When you look up at the midnight sky, hidden amongst several

Minor but Mighty: Ursa Minor

By Danielle Alexander, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom The night sky might seem like a random collection of twinkling stars to some, but to others, the stars create images and patterns filled with stories and legends. These images and patterns are known as constellations, and they’ve been captivating human imagination for as long as records have

The Bear in the Big Blue Abyss: Ursa Major

By Danielle Alexander, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom When you look up at the twinkling stars in the velvet sky, what constellation is it you look for to orientate yourself? It is almost always the Ursa Major and Ursa Minor constellation duo – or as some (me) prefer to call them, the ‘saucepan set.’ This starry

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