By Edward Whelan, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom The Messenian Wars, which took place between Sparta and Messenia in the 8th
Written by Brendan Heard, Author of the Decline and Fall of Western Art When I was about twenty five years of age,
By Danielle Alexander, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom The night sky might seem like a random collection of twinkling stars to
By Edward Whelan, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom The battle of Actium was one of the most important naval battles in
Aurelius and bread
Written by Alex Barrientos, Associate Editor, Classical Wisdom The term ‘cosmopolitan’ is derived from the Greek kosmou politês, which roughly
By Katherine Smyth, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom Of divine conception, saved from certain death, and raised to manhood by his
By Edward Whelan, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom Ancient Egypt has fascinated people since ancient times. However, the history and knowledge
The other day a student told me that, during her studies as an art student, she had to sculpt a
By Stella Samaras, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom Read Part One Here Orientalizing – Corinth (c. 720-535 BCE) When the Dorians
By Stella Samaras, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom And the 64 million drachma question is, “Did the Ancient Greeks read comic