Written by Brendan Heard, Author of the Decline and Fall of Western Art The Ptolemaic Dynasty of Egypt is a
By Visnja Bojovic, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom “Why study dead languages?” “Who needs that?” “Why don’t you learn something that
By Edward Whelan, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom We have all come across the abbreviation or emblem SPQR, in books, museums,
By Alex Barrientos, Associate Editor, Classical Wisdom Weekly Being lovers of Classical Wisdom, you are likely familiar with Epicurus and his
A lone figure, swaddled in rags sits secluded in a dank cave bent over his papyrus. The whittled reed in
Known From: The Iliad "One omen is best: defending the fatherland" -Hector, from The IliadHector is a prominent character in Homer's The
Anya Leonard discusses Greek mythology on the Mind Of Veedu Podcast. They discuss the birth of the gods and why
By David Hooker, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom Who hasn’t looked up into a sky full of stars and wondered what
By Katherine Smyth, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom Down, down below the imperial Palace of Knossos, the capital of Crete and
By Rodrigo Ferreyra, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom It is no secret that the origins of Christian thought are closely related