Alexander the Great | Classical Wisdom Weekly - Part 4

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Tag Archives: Alexander the Great

The Machine Gun of Ancient Greece

By DHWTY, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom The polybolos (which may be translated literally as ‘multiple thrower’) was a type of weapon used in the ancient world. The polybolos has been described as a sort of ballista / catapult that was capable of firing several projectiles before needing to be reloaded. That’s why it’s sometimes referred

Why Alexander Invaded

By Cam Rea, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom Alexander of Macedon, more widely known as Alexander the Great, is one of history’s most famous conquerors. Many historians, poets, and writers have been mesmerized by his conquests. The enthralling images of Alexander’s actions has built an everlasting romantic impression of the man. But while most talk of

The 13 Most Important Buildings in Ancient Alexandria, Egypt

An important center of Hellenistic civilization, Alexandria was the capital of Ptolemaic Egypt, Roman and Byzantine Egypt for almost 1,000 years. The city was founded around c. 332 BC by the Macedonian King, Alexander the Great, during his conquest of the Achaemenid Empire. At one point, Alexandria became the largest city in the world and, for

Alexander the Great, the Macedonian King

By Jocelyn Hitchcock, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom Alexander III of Macedon is perhaps one of the most notorious figures to come out of the ancient world, for better or worse. Born in Pella in 356 BCE to the King Philip II, it seemed destined that Alexander the Great follow in the family business of military

Ancient Alexandria, Egypt

By Jocelyn Hitchcock, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom The Egyptian city of Alexandria was established in 331 BCE by its Eponymous founder, Alexander the Great. Despite its humble beginnings as a port city, Alexandria developed into one of the most prosperous metropolitan areas in the ancient world. It grew to boast such wonders like the library

Ancient Philosophy As a Way of Living: Cynicism

By Jacob Bell, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom I’ve made some rather strange and unexpected decisions that fall outside of the social and economic norms of our 21st century. The American Dream, at least for me, is dead… and in a way, I may be loosely following the Cynic dream instead. I say loosely because the