Ancient Greek drinking | Classical Wisdom Weekly

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Tag Archives: Ancient Greek drinking

The History of the Symposium in the Ancient World

Written by Titus, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom Today, symposia are rather overlooked, considered something strictly limited to serious business or academic activities. In the ancient world, they were an important part of everyday life. The word symposium is derived from the Greek word “symposio” that translates as “drinking together.” The symposium was often a part

Alcoholism in the Greco-Roman World

By Dale Vernor, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom Binge drinking is nothing new. Gilgamesh, the semi-mythic Mesopotamian king who lived around 2,800 BC, is reported to have promised his workers “(a river of) ale, beer, and wine”,… which doesn’t exactly suggest moderation. Indeed, most practices, beliefs, and attitudes linked to alcohol use date back to the