Coronavirus | Classical Wisdom Weekly

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Tag Archives: Coronavirus

How to Face Coronavirus Like a Stoic

Written by Saad Saeed Ph.D., Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom 2020 started with a bang on January 30, 2020. The World Health Organization (WHO) declares the outbreak of Coronavirus as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern, and on March 11 the WHO declares the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic. In the days that followed, Global stock

Are current policies Draconian? Do we Need them?

We were ‘outside’ all of five minutes, at best… and I use inverted commas because we still hadn’t left the building. You see, our comfortable little apartment, while nestled in a beautiful old french building, has only an internal courtyard view. ‘No noisy traffic sounds!’, we had initially rejoiced… but then we noticed we didn’t

How I Learned to Stop Worrying And Love Self-Quarantine…

People think we are a little crazy. After all, there are currently only 30 COVID-19 cases in the whole country of almost 45 million, so surely we are a little ‘paranoid’ to choose self-quarantine…everyone is out and about without a care in the world… Why should we act any differently? Why Stay at Home? Our