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Tag Archives: Greek Gods

The Owl of Athena: Symbol of Wisdom

by Ed Whelan, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom Many animals were associated with Greek and Roman gods; they were believed to represent some aspect of the god or goddess. A good example of this is the Owl of the Greek goddess Athena. The Owl of Athena was one of the most important religious symbols in ancient

Origins of Aphrodite

by Sean Kelly, Managing Editor, Classical Wisdom What do we mean when we talk about the “origins” of Aphrodite? There is, of course, the origin of the deity in mythology. A different type of ‘origin’, however, also exists – how various different cultures and similar, antecedent figures from other mythologies coalesced over time to create

The All Seeing Greek but Overlooked God: Helios

By Alicia McDermott, Contributing writer, Ancient Origins An unpunished second-generation Titan of Greek myth, Helios was a deity who was important, but not always recognized for his powers. Until his role was usurped by a newer god, Helios was the deity of the life-giving, season-changing sun. He appeared in artwork riding his horse-drawn chariot across

Xenophanes: The Most Scandalous Philosopher of Ancient Greece

Written by Mariami Shanshashvili, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom Plato’s Euthyphro is centered around Socrates’ attempts to examine and define the concept of piety. In the course of conversation, he develops a central and somewhat scandalous argument: what is holy is not the same as what the gods do or approve. In fact, the gods ‘sin’

The All Seeing Greek but Overlooked God: Helios

By Alicia McDermott, Contributing writer, Ancient Origins An unpunished second-generation Titan of Greek myth, Helios was a deity who was important, but not always recognized for his powers. Until his role was usurped by a newer god, Helios was the deity of the life-giving, season-changing sun. He appeared in artwork riding his horse-drawn chariot across