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Tag Archives: Augustus

Can History Ever Be Simple?

I’m literally dreaming about Cleopatra and Mark Antony these days… images of them, in splendid garb imitating their respective gods, Dionysius and Isis, dining on the Egyptian Queen’s floating barge fill my slumbering mind. You see, I’m knee-deep in preparation for this month’s exciting panel on the Battle of Actium, arguably one of the most

Horace – Poet of the Golden Age

by Ed Whelan, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom “Mediocrity in poets has never been tolerated by either men, or gods, or booksellers.” So wrote Horace, one of the most celebrated of all the Roman poets. He lived during the Golden Age of Latin literature which occurred in the last decades of the Roman Republic, and continued

Roman Pantheon: A Gigantic Sundial?

Written by Ed Whalen, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom The Romans were great builders and are still revered as great engineers. One of the greatest buildings they constructed was the Pantheon. A new theory argues that the building was designed to act as a sundial during the Spring Equinox, which falls between March 19 and 21.

The Banishment of Julia Augusti (PART 6)

Written by Mary Naples, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom Of how she was rounded up, the details are unknown. It would have had to occur in the dead of night. Since she was beloved, her banishment by light of day might have led to political unrest. Because she was the house of Augustus’s first exile—though mournfully

The Banishment of Julia Augusti (PART 5)

Written by Mary Naples, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom Thus, hard on the heels of the birth of her fifth child, Agrippa Posthumous, and still in mourning for her husband, the Princeps had his newly widowed daughter betrothed—this time to her stepbrother, Tiberius. One can only imagine Livia’s delight. Finally, another Julio-Claudian union—the fervent hope must

The Banishment of Julia Augusti (PART 4)

Written by Mary Naples, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom Attempting to revive the virtues and morality of the old Republic, Augustus set forth a series of contentious marriage laws ostensibly designed to boast marriage and procreation amongst the patrician class. Serving as a model of chastity, the headliner used as an exemplar to promote the Julian