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Tag Archives: Donald Robertson

The Last Words of Marcus Aurelius

by Andrew Rattray There’s something poignant about last words. A final flourish made all the more beautiful because we know there’s no more wisdom to come. A reminder that all things come to an end. Eugene Delacroix, the 19th century romantic artist, certainly thought so when he painted ‘Last Words of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius’.

Secrets of a Roman Emperor

Plato once wrote that there wouldn’t be peace until philosophers were kings. But what about Emperors? If you’re reading this, you’ve probably already heard of Marcus Aurelius; Roman emperor, philosopher, and author of the much beloved Meditations. Perhaps no other book quite captures what we mean by ‘Classical Wisdom’ than the Meditations, the insights of

Marcus Aurelius and the Sophists on Justice

by Donald Robertson, author of “How to Think like a Roman Emperor” What is it, then, that arouses your discontent? Human wickedness? Call to mind the doctrine that rational creatures have come into the world for the sake of one another, and that tolerance is a part of justice… (Meditations, 4.2) The virtue of justice

Can Marcus Really Help?

Marcus Aurelius is a pop icon. Well, almost… Don’t get me wrong – I’m definitely a fan of this up and coming trend. I like to think of him as a gateway drug to philosophy and the classics. I’m also not one of ‘those’ classics lovers who only like obscure references and lesser known historical

Marcus Aurelius and the Sophists on Justice

Stoicism and the “Great Discourse” of Protagoras by Donald Robertson, author of “How to Think like a Roman Emperor” Learn more from Donald in his upcoming 4 week course, “Marcus Aurelius: Life and Stocism” – starting August 4th What is it, then, that arouses your discontent? Human wickedness? Call to mind the doctrine that rational