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Tag Archives: Ancient Greek Education

Technological ‘Miracles’ Of Ancient Greece

Written by Arslan Hassan, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom Ancient Greece was filled with inventors and engineers whose machines, instruments, and appliances used are still in use today. Technology and Entertainment The Greeks made massive contributions in the fields of theater, music, sports, and stage performances. The theater itself is Greece’s most valuable contribution to the

Paideia, Humanitas, and Civility: What Are They and Why Do They Matter?

Written by Alexandra Hudson, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom I recently visited the “Other Parthenon”—an exact replication of the Ancient Athenian Parthenon that was built in the early 1900s in Nashville, Tennessee. Like the original Parthenon, it was absolutely striking: At Civic Renaissance, a publication I curate, we regularly reflect on the way in which the

The Education System In Ancient Greece

Written by Katherine Rundell, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom In the disciplines of math and philosophy it is broadly accepted that we have the ancient Greeks to thank for them. From Aristotle to Pythagoras, these towering figures spent countless hours considering the deepest problems of their age, often coming up with new paradigms for them. Metaphysics,

All You NEED to Know About the Ancient Olympics

Written by Divya Gupta, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom The first Olympic games were held in Athens, Greece in 1896. Around 280 participants from 13 nations competed in 43 sporting games. Since 1994, the famous Game has been held separately as the Winter and Summer Olympics every two years. But did you know these modern games