Ancient Greek history | Classical Wisdom Weekly - Part 2

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Tag Archives: Ancient Greek history

Archaic Age Greece: Foundation of Classical Civilization

Written by Ed Whalen, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom We are all familiar with the achievements of Classical Greece. The era produced great art, philosophies, and political systems that still influence us to this day. However, the Classical period was born out of the Archaic period, dating from the 8th century BC until the second Persian

Cimon of Athens: Terror of the Persians and Great Statesman

Written by Ed Whalen, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom Athens produced many outstanding individuals, and one of the most remarkable was Cimon. A leading political and military figures of his day, Cimon left an indelible mark on Athens and Greece. Cimon’s Early Career Cimon (510-451 BC) was the son of the great Athenian general Miltiades, who

Classical Greece: Golden Age and Time of War

Written by Ed Whalen, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom When we think about Ancient Greece, we most likely think of the Classical Age. Starting with the first Persian invasion and ending with the rise of Macedonia, this was the period in which Athens and Sparta vied for control of Greece. It was also a time of

Roman Greece: Partner in Empire

Written by Ed Whalen, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom Greece was dominated by the Roman Empire for many centuries. The Greeks and the Romans had a complicated relationship. Roman Greece played a critical role in the culture of Rome and Classical culture, laying the basis for the Byzantine Empire. The Origins of Roman Greece Roman influence

Pseudoscience through the Ages: From Delphi to Tarot

Written by Titus, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom Pseudoscience was seen differently in the ancient world than it is today, but many of its ancient practices continue to this day. Ancient disciplines of divination, such as astrology, have yet to be validated by modern science yet astrology continues to hold sway in the modern world. In

A Short History of Wine

Written by Lydia Serrant, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom What is believed to be the first winery in the world was recently found in a cave in Vayots Dzor, Armenia, and dates back to around 6100 BC. It currently holds the title as the oldest-known winery (also, fun fact, it is home of the world’s oldest